Tuesday, 14 January 2014

fx course 2 : Types of bourses in the world

The stock exchange Bourse ...

Meaning of the word out of the stock market :
Origin of the word Stock Exchange due to the person named ( Van de Börse ) owned a hotel in Bruges , Belgium, and is frequented by merchants for discussion on commercial transactions and was the theme of this hotel is three bags of money .

Types of bourses in the world
Types of bourses in the world

The stock market is the financial market which meets the Chirvien Alsemsarh and at specific times of the day to conduct trading securities and commodities , metals and others.

Types of global inches ...

(1) Stock Exchange securities , such as stocks , bonds and shares of incorporation.
(2) Exchange of goods , such as cotton , wheat, iron and copper.
(3) Exchange of precious metals , such as gold, silver, platinum and diamonds.
(4) contracts for commercial transactions for goods is not present , such as petroleum .
(5) the spot market to trade foreign exchange markets outside the stock exchange ( forex market )

Here you should know that you Sttajer in Forex immediate spot because the session is dedicated to teaching this type of immediate exchange between foreign currencies , which depends on the Islamic regime in trading , and I know you will not trade in the market Alviuchr Future Alawbashnz options or just stay away from them.

And participates in the stock market several parties ...

(1) central banks The central banks

The central banks are the most influential on the market because they have large cash .

  • One of the major central banks around the world:
  • U.S. Federal Reserve Federal Reserve Bank of American
  • European Central Bank ECB
  • Bank of Japan, Bank of Japan
  • Swiss National Bank Swiss National Bank
  • The Bank of England The Central Bank of England

(2) brokerage firms Brokers

The brokerage firms are the intermediary between the customer and the market , as well as the intermediary between the customer and the bank -financed funds transactions in cases of trading Balmarzin , as well as the intermediary between the clients to each other , and you must choose a brokerage firm may be subject to legal control of her Government to ensure the safety of your money.

And the role of these companies also because they are not buying or selling only through them because they are driven prices offered on the stock exchange from banks to banks or to investors and brokerage firm is the broker and he does not bear any losses as a result of market fluctuations , but works for hire on the grounds it is one of the brokerage only .

(3 ) Commercial Banks

Acts as a market maker because they are working to find a market , especially in the currencies they are ready to buy and sell at any time.

(4) major global companies

Most global companies have trading rooms of their own in order to achieve good investment performance .

(5) mutual funds and investment portfolios

Moving some small investors or those who do not have sufficient experience , to deal with mutual funds and authorize the Director to manage the accounts of the fund compared with a profit margin investment investigator and these funds have the ability to cope with market volatility .

(6) Insurance Companies

Some insurance companies tend to invest the surplus in the insurance capital markets .

(7) governmental institutions

Is not considered a party to some extent active in the capital market , but sometimes involved , particularly in developing countries, which have some import and export operations monopolized by the public sector .

(8 ) Individual Investors

Although they do not play an important role in the capital market to the small size of their transactions , but he began to notice an increase in the number of individual investors after the appearance of the facilities granted to them by some financial institutions, or what is known as the provision of margin trading .

All of these players have formed a global market open on some of the 24-hour day is not restricted to a particular state , according to the statistics in 1995 came volume in the range of 2 trillion dollars a day are traded and this number is too large, for this , the currency market is hard to control where one of the persons or entity or entities of the institutions that govern the terms of the bullish or bearish because of the magnitude of the value traded in this market .

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